About Us


The vision of our nonprofit organization is to create a world where all children have access to the basics they need to thrive, including food, clothing, shelter, education, and mental health support. We envision a future where no child is denied their fundamental rights due to their socioeconomic status or other factors beyond their control. Through our partnerships and collaborative efforts, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and empower children to reach their full potential. Our ultimate goal is to create a brighter future for all children, one where they can grow up healthy, happy, and successful.


Our organization’s mission is to ensure that children living in poverty everywhere have access to necessities including food, clothing, and schooling. We believe that no child, regardless of socioeconomic status, should be denied these basic human rights. To accomplish our goals, we have teamed up with other organizations that are committed to improving the lives of children throughout. Together, we’re able to provide disadvantaged kids with a wide range of services and activities. By working with other organizations, we’ve built a global infrastructure to help kids everywhere get the help they need to grow up healthy and successful. Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty and help these youngsters attain their full potential.

Positive Thoughts

We aspire to be like hlpers. So we serve all people. No matter their religion, ethnicity, or gender.

Heartful Help

Going after poverty’s symptoms is temporary. Going after its causes is permanent for everyone.

Spread To Everyone

In an effort to ensure volunteering at Foundation events is fulfilling experience for you.


Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the U.S. and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life.

Social Policy Initiatives

Social Policy Initiatives

Fundraising for local community causes world help received Groppe

  • Affordable Housing
  • Disaster Operations
  • Making an impact
Youth create waves of change

Youth create waves of change

Establishing a Donor Advised Fund is a convenient and simple way

  • Help us to help them
  • Foundational Services
  • Emergency Response
Pioneering From Young Life

Pioneering From Young Life

We want to do more and you can help. By committing a small fraction.

  • The need for consensus
  • Create waves of change
  • Integrated Health & Nutrition


For those helpless childrensand people who need it every minitues.

Our Groppe People


Joel David

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews.

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Karen Allen

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews.

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Social Worker

Stephen Lang

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews.

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Loan Officer

Michelle Ray

Collaboratively administrate turnkey channels whereas virtual e-tailers. Objectively seize scalable metrics whereas

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Muži se zpravidla nemusí učit, jestli jim nabízejí, ale ženy reagují jinak. Nepřijímejte anální sex, pokud se vám prasek na erekci partnera nebo stejný nápad: nebudete potěšeni. Nezapomeňte s mužem diskutovat o všech podmínkách, aby neexistovaly žádné nepříjemné důsledky. A pamatujte, že můžete vždy odmítnout, dokonce i uprostřed procesu!